Liebster Award

Thank you, AwkwardKid for nominating me for the Liebster award! This is the second time you’ve nominated me for this award, I’m very grateful. I really enjoy reading your blog posts and thanks for the great questions, here are my answers:

Are you on or are you going on holiday? If so, where?

I’m not on holiday right now but I think I might be going to Butlins and centre parks in a couple of weeks which is really exciting!

Sweet or salted popcorn?

I like both sweet and salted popcorn however, I wouldn’t have them mixed together. Ultimately, I would choose sweet just beacuse I have a sweet tooth and I love toffee popcorn.

What kind of music do you listen to?

I listen to a lot of different genres of music however I mostly listen to hip-hop, r&b and alternative rock. I like different artists in nearly all genres of music which is great.

Is the reason you started blogging, the same reason you stick to it?

Kind of, I started blogging so I do posts on Charmed, the TV show, which I still do but now I’m blogging more about music and my personal life. Music has always been a passion of mine and its nice to share my music taste with others. I started to do personal posts beacuse I wanted to share my experiences with others and that’s the same reason why I’m still doing it today.

Who’s you celebrity crush?

I don’t really have any celebrity crush except from Zendaya ( you guys all know who she is) and Tara Koltun, a Canadian model. If you don’t know who he his, please look him up and you’ll see what I mean ๐Ÿ˜‰

Would you rather be hot or cold?

I would rather be cold beacuse when you’re cold you can just put layers of clothing on yourself until you’re warm and use blankets. Generally, I think I tolerate heat better but when you’re really hot you just want to strip off all your clothes unless you have a great fan.

What’s your favourite part of yourself in general?

Hmmm, this is hard question beacuse you notice your flaws more than the good qualities in yourself. I would probably say that my favourite part of my self is my generosity and how open minded I can be.

What’s your favourite book?

My favourite book is A Spoonful of Jam by Michelle Magorian. It’s been a while since I read this book, but I’ve always considered it as the best book I’ve read. I’ve also enjoyed reading the Hunger Games trilogy. To be honest, I want to read more books beacuse I honestly believe I don’t read enough fictional material.

What’s your favourite season?

My favourite season is either summer or autumn. I do love the sun and like other Brits, I wish we could see more of it throughout the year.

Where is the place you would like to see in the world?

There are a lot of cities I want to visit e.g. New York City, Toronto etc. but I also want to see places like Niagara falls,  the great wall of China and the pyramids in Egypt.

11 facts about me:

  • I was born in Nigeria
  • My favourite sport to watch is basketball (beacuse I don’t play any sports in real life)
  • I love munching on ice, i’d eat ice even if it was -30 degrees celsius
  • I don’t like the taste of cooked onions
  • I love watching anime
  • My favourite subject is media studies
  • I’m scared of dogs
  • If I could live in any other country, it would be American, specifically New York.
  • I’m an introvert
  • My middle name is Winnie
  • I love oreos

The nominees for this award are:

Thanks again for the nomination, AwkwardKid, here are the rules for the nominees:

  1. Acknowledge the person who has nominated you for this award
  2. Answer the 11 questions that the blogger gives you
  3. Give 11 random facts about yourself
  4. Nominate other deserving bloggers
  5. let them know you’ve nominated them
  6. Give 11 questions for the nominees to answer

Here are my 11 questions my nominees:

  1. Name 1 of your pet peeves?
  2. What country/landmark would you like to visit?
  3. Who is your favourite author?
  4. If you could be anyone in the world besides yourself, who would it be?
  5. If you could be an animal, what would you be and why?
  6. What was the last show you binge watched?
  7. Who has been the most influential person in your life?
  8. Would rather go to the cinema or a theatre and why?
  9. What’s your favourite part about being a blogger?
  10. If you had to listen to only one music genre for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?
  11. If you had to choose between living with the TV or music, which one would you choose?

Thank you,

Omone ๐Ÿ™‚

One comment

  1. rambling kori · August 12, 2016

    Oh I love this. Thank you so much!

    Liked by 1 person

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